Friday, December 31, 2010

Meeting the Great-Grandmother

Little Vivs was named for her great-grandmothers.  Today she got to meet the original Vivian for the first time.  It was love at first sight.  Lots of smiles on both sides, which was sweet to see.  Now we just need my dad here to take some 4 generation pictures!  :)

Three generations!  (And, yes, I have started WW to get the baby weight off.  Ugh...)
 The Vivians
 Love this shot
 Holding great-grandma's hand.  She didn't want to let go.
 I also love this generational shot taken by Daniel

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Simple Pleasures

I am sitting by the light of the Christmas tree enjoying a cup of Christmas tea while Hubs is asleep upstairs with the dogs, little girl is asleep in her swing with the cricket white noise playing.  Peaceful.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

3 months!

V decided that for Christmas she would give us the gift of not sleeping or napping pretty much the entire day.  So this evening we decided to make the best of it and take her 3-month-old pictures, complete with Christmas BabyLegs.  (You can bet I was SUPER excited that the 3 month mark fell on Christmas day!)  :)
So, like, this morning, I came downstairs and there were all these presents under the tree...
 So happy that today is my three month birthday!  (Notice my lumpy cloth diaper bootie, too.)
 What?  How was I supposed to know that napping was important?
 This one may be my favorite of all time.  It looks like she's giving us the "up yours" gesture.  ;)

Merry Christmas! 

Monday, December 20, 2010

Homemade Christmas ornaments

Mom and Dad got us a fun little Christmas project for Vivian.  We decided we would wait until she was 12 weeks old (exactly 1 week before Christmas) to make it.  Here's how it turned out:
With the doughy stuff for the ornament
 The pressing of the hand
 How the heck do I press her hand in and get it out without her grabbing onto the mold?
 Noooooooo!  I don't want to press my hand in that gunk again!
 All is well with a Christmas book.  (Pardon my posture, I wasn't feeling great.)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Remember this guy?
V has a little spiky patch of hair on the back of her head that reminds me of him.  I sometimes say "I'm a chickenhawk!" to her when I see it.  I was finally able to capture it for comparison.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Our Little Elf

While she doesn't live on the shelf, we do think she is a festive addition to our family this season. :)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Nakey baby

Things are much improved since the first bath.  And I just had to post this cutie pic.  ;)

Giving thanks

So much to be thankful for this time of year!
Family visiting from out of town
 Baby giggles and smiles
 Watching football with Daddy
 Our little family's first Christmas (and baby's first Christmas ornament)
 Hoodie time with Aunt Jenni
 A festive house  (This makes me SO happy)
 Presents under the tree from Grammy and Granddad 
(she totally has my genes - reaching for the presents and staring in awe at the tree)
 22 days until Christmas!  Be thankful and merry!  :)