Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Since I am in a posting mood...

Do you ever get stuck on an email string at work where there is so much drama/freaking out about hm...no one really knows what? And that original email ends up generating about 25 follow-up emails? Yep, welcome to my day. I literally emailed my co-worker at one point and said - "I forget what I'm even supposed to do with this license. Is any of this relevant?" Amy's brain = fried.

**I came home and had soy ice cream with sprinkles and chocolate syrup and, my, I feel so much better!

1 comment:

Courtney Sprague said...

Hey Amy! Thanks so much for your comment on my blog. It's so cool to hear from you. Do you think we are co-'hoodies? ....so are you near Pioneer Farms? too fun!

Love your blog! Lots of great food for thought here!