Wednesday, August 1, 2007

10 Things About Me

1. I love candy (nerds ropes, dark chocolate, gummi bears, swedish fish = favorites).
2. I love weenie dogs and, most especially, my dog.
3. I'm pretty laid back, which is why I live in Austin. :)
4. I think flip-flops should be considered work-appropriate footwear.
5. I'm an avid reader.
6. I want to travel the world. So far I've been to Ireland, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Mexico.
7. I'm a natural redhead. (Sometimes I have the temper to go with it.)
8. Yes, I am single. And totally willing to be set up if you know any cute, nice guys!
9. I love to laugh!
10. I have weird food allergies. I'm allergic to dairy, cilantro, avocados, melon, uncooked tomatoes and apples. But don't worry - I can still function normally and eat out!

Many thanks to the Schish for this brilliant idea!

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