Friday, May 27, 2011

Eight Months!

This cannot be possible.  How is she 2/3 of a year old already?  I keep telling Vivian that I am going to find a potion that will keep her small for just a little bit longer.  (Where is that stuff from "Alice in Wonderland" when you need it?)  This was definitely the most interesting of the photo shoots thus far.  Wiggles + camera = not a good mix.  Just keep that in mind when viewing these.  I finally had to call in Granddad and Aunt Jenni to get some decent pictures.  The pictures in the little whale romper were taken two days before her 8-month b-day...they were too cute not to include.

 You can see her new hair coming in (finally!)
 No one can get the smiles from her like dada can
 Grabbing my toes and smiling for the camera
 What do you mean I'm eight months old?
 Why, yes, I would like to put my little fingers all over your lens after I've been sucking on them.
 Grabbing my toes is my new form of entertainment
 Nope, no smiles for you
 OK, I'll smile...but only if I can eat my romper at the same time...
 RAWR!  I'm a T Rex!
 Oh Granddad, you are pretty funny!
 I love my Aunt Jenni
 Waving is also a new skill I've acquired
 This was right before biting it on the camera lens
 The best shot of the evening.  Sitting, kind of looking toward the camera and kind of smiling :)

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Love her smiles ... And her attack of the camera lens!!