Saturday, July 2, 2011

9 months!

I say this every month, but where is the time going?  My tiny baby is growing up right before my eyes!  In this last week, she's pulled up on her own, started crawling instead of inchworming, started really drinking out of a sippy cup, decided she loves pizza and risotto (yeah - good eater!), tried to take a few steps while holding Mama or Grammy's hands, and grown way too much for my liking.  She was 29 1/4 inches at her 9-month appointment yesterday, which puts her in the 97% for height.  No wonder none of her clothes were fitting well...  And for your viewing enjoyment, the 9-month photo session!
I love standing up and trying to take steps now
 Honking Grammy's nose
 9 months old!
 Wiggling and making a funny face
 Smiling at Grammy
 I love to laugh
 Raspberries are pretty fun, too
 Taking after Mama and making funny faces
 Funny face numero dos
 Future career in Cirque du Soleil - backbend to take off the sticker
 Poking the Glowworm in the eye
 I still like holding my toes
 Somewhat smiling
 Pulling up to my knees
 Let me out, Mama!  There's a big world to explore!

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